Traveling with your trip anytime soon? Looking to get some insights into what is needed. Look no further Dr Woow has everything you need prior to your travel for you to get ready have everything you and your pup might need.
Before going on a trip with your pooch, whether short or long, make sure to take him to the vet to make sure that they are healthy and that all of their vaccinations are up to date.
Also, make sure to get their health records (and a copy or two) as you might need them depending on where and how you are traveling. Certain countries have more requirements for pets entering so make sure you are aware of all the regulations to avoid trouble.
It also never hurts to have updated information on your dog’s health status in case of any emergency.
If you are road-tripping, make sure that they get comfortable being in the car by going on shorter drives before embarking on your journey. Also, just let them sit in there with you so they can adjust and find their comfort zone.
Also be sure to have enough water for them, and a way for them to drink it. Obviously.
If their going to be drinking water, then that water’s gonna have to come out from somewhere. So make sure that you are stopping regularly so they can do their business and stretch those legs out. I could always use a stretch on a long drive. Take his favorite Dr Woow Treats for them to enjoy while traveling, especially if you are going somewhere where you know your dog might be prompt to seasonal or skin allergies. Read more about allergies in our past blog about allergy and immunity supplements for dogs.
You might also want to purchase a dog seat belt or a car seat so that they are safe and not running around, putting both of you in danger. That is if you don’t want to have them in a crate or simply roaming free.
Roaming free has never been a great idea for me. My Phillip loves to jump from window to window, making sure he is getting all the angles.
Also, make sure that there is enough ventilation wherever they are in the car, and NEVER leave them alone in there.

Traveling by air is a bit more complicated.
Airlines require health certifications from your dog to be a maximum of 10 days old, so make sure to get them with time, but not too much time.
Also, check with the airline you will be flying for any other requirements or restrictions they may have on the size of the crate, whether you are allowed to take them in the cabin, or any other forms you might need. You know how airlines can be.
Don’t forget to reserve for your dog. You have to book your dog’s ticket, just like yours, so make sure to do it with time as there is a limited amount of pets allowed on each flight.
Trust me, you don’t want to have your whole trip planned and then find out your best friend can't come. That would be a bummer.
Make sure that you are staying at a hotel or The Best Dog-friendly Hotels in the U.S. accommodation that is dog friendly. You might also want to double-check as sometimes places advertise things incorrectly and you don’t want to be scrambling once you arrive. Here is a list of some great ones.
Try not to leave them alone wherever you are staying because they can get scared of being in a new, strange place and start barking or, worse, breaking things.
It wouldn’t be ideal to get a noise complaint from your neighbors for something other than partying.
If there are a lot of other people staying there, try to be conscious of everyone's space and fears. Not everyone likes dogs (I know, crazy right), and some might be very scared of them, so try to keep your pooch on their best behavior and away from those that don’t want them near.
Lastly, don’t forget to take the food they are used to eating and the bed they usually sleep in. Having their bed there might make them more comfortable being in a new place. Maybe even take their favorite ball or bone with you as well.

The dog community is usually a nice and helpful one. Take advantage of it.
Go on a walk, get to a dog park, or do some research on Instagram or on other online platforms for local tips on where it is best to go eat, spend time, and for any other needs your pooch might have while on vacation.
Who knows, your dog may meet their long-lost brother or the love of their life while you're roaming the local dog park.
Bring Fido is a great platform for finding some of this information if you are having trouble meeting helpful locals.
Meeting locals might be the best way to get information on the best dog-friendly burger spot or find a trusted vet, but it is good to be prepared in case that doesn’t happen. You’re better safe than sorry.
Find out where the closest vet to where you will be staying is, preferably if they are open 24 hours a day before you get to the place you will be staying.
You can also download Pet First Aid: by the American Red Cross, which gives you step-by-step guides on how to handle emergencies. It also allows you to find nearby vets and dog-friendly hotels, among other things.