Trying to get a pup over the holidays or the new years? No worries here we put a guide with some of the most pawpopular dog breeds!
There are 340 dog breeds known worldwide. That is a lot of puppies to choose from, which is here at Dr Woow we came up with the ULTIMATE guide on dog breeds, varying from biggest to smallest, to trendy to rarest and those with the largest longevity.
We encourage you our reader to adopt or rescue pups but if you are looking to buy a puppy that is completely acceptable too and you have come to the right place regardless of your decision.
Dog Breeds? What is at?
Since prehistoric times, humans have have purposefully breed dogs to perform specific task, like herding, hunting, and guarding. While most dogs nowadays have left behind the hunting animals or more aggressive tasks that humans needed back in the day when we where cavemen, and started hunting your pillow or the sandals left outside the closet. Most of breeds nowadays are meant to live with us, keep us company, and most importantly give us unlimited amount of cuteness and affection. Each dog is different and each bread has its own characteristics.
Most Pawpular Dog Breeds
Here are the top breeds based on weight, size, and longevity in no particular order
1. Labrador Retriever
One of the most common dog breeds and require little to no training. They are great with families specially with kid's and other dogs are very playful and loyal dogs. Their lifespan is of 10-12 years.

2. Dachshund
Surprisingly Dachshunds were originally hunting dogs, and they’re known for their unique shape. They are perfect for apartments, where there isn't a lot of space. Dachshunds are super kid-friendly and don't need a ton of play time, as long as you are being proactive and challenge their brain. Their lifespan is of 10-15 years.

3. Australian Shepherd
Australian shepherd are beautiful mid-size dogs that love adventures, hikes and being actives. They need tons of exercise or otherwise your home will be chew up, you need to train them when they are young. However, they are super loyal and very caring dogs. Their lifespan is of 10-15 years.

4. Golden Doodle
Golden doodles are one of the most recognize dog breeds in the world nowadays. Goldendoodles are highly trainable, and eager to please to pup. Doodles tend to suffer from mobility issues, that can be aide with Hip and Joint Chews. They do need lots of attention and exercise but they are extremely friendly and are great companions for people that single or with gamily. Their life-span is between 10-14 years.

5. Corgi
Corgis are best described as a charming dog, as they are sweet and know how to get to the owner hearts. They are extremely smart, and capable of training and learning new tricks, but they are also a little stubborn and suffer from separation anxiety. Other than that they are great dogs to have at home. Their lifespan is of 10-14 years.

So what do you think, are you ready to adopt a dog? Let us know. Make sure to check out some of our treat like supplement chews!