It’s summertime! The air is warm, the sun is setting late, and getting to a pool or beach never seemed like a better idea. But while you’re out getting your tan on, your furry friend could be a bit overwhelmed. 


In order to avoid getting to a point of worry, here are some ways that you can keep your dog cool during these summer months.


  • Avoid going outside at peak heat hours

  • To avoid your dog taking in too much heat, take them out at times when the sun is not shining at its highest capacity. If you are taking them on their daily walk, try to go earlier in the day, or later in the afternoon, once the sun has begun setting. 


    If your dog is very sensitive to heat, try to keep them indoors, aside from when they have to do their business.


    Lower the A/C, serve them a bowl of fresh, cold water, and they should be just fine!  

  • Keep them hydrated


    Like all living creatures, dogs need water to keep hydrated, for their digestion system to operate properly, and for maintaining good health. 


    Especially in the summer months, it is important to give your pooch the right amount of water to make sure they are keeping the necessary hydration. It is recommended that a dog drink about an ounce of water for every pound they weigh. If they're in the heat too long, that number might go up slightly.


    If you are going outdoors for a long period of time, make sure to take a portable water bottle with enough water for the time you’ll be out there, or that where you are going has dog-friendly water stations.


    When you get back indoors, make sure that they hydrate themselves again, and if you don’t see them drinking, gently guide them in the direction of their bowl. Sometimes I have to tap on Phillip’s bowl to get him going. 



  • Make sure there is enough shade

  • If you tend to leave your dog in your backyard throughout the day, make sure there is enough shade for them to lay in once they begin to get too hot. If there isn’t any, you can buy an outdoor canopy. 


    They aren’t too costly, easy to set up, and some even have a pool. Here are a couple of good ones :)


    If you are doing an outdoor activity in which you'll be in the heat for a long time, make sure you will have enough access to shade where your dog can relax and get away from the sun for a little bit. 

    Remember, they don’t care about getting an even tan. 

  • Never leave them in a car outside. No matter how long.

  • While in the winter or early spring, depending on where you live, it might be okay to leave your dog in the car, with the windows cracked, while you quickly run into the store for milk, in the summertime this is never acceptable. 


    The intense heat of a fully closed car can quickly cause your dog to experience brain damage, suffer a heatstroke, or suffocate. 


    You can either leave them with someone inside the car, with the A/C on, or take them with you. If they don’t let them in the store, you should probably go somewhere else. 


    No errand is more important than your dog's safety. 

  • Be alert !


    As you might know, your dog won’t be able to tell you when they are overheating. That’s why it's super important for you to pay attention to your dog’s body language and their behavior while you are out in the summer heat. 

    Some signs of a dog overheating include intense panting or heavy breathing, excessive salivation, and a grayish/purple color in the inner cheeks and gums. 

    If you see any of these signs, immediately take them to a cooler area, splash some cold water under the armpits, around the face, and on their chest, and try to get them to drink cool water. 

    After that, you should contact your veterinarian or take them to a clinic to make sure that they really are fine.




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